We are pleased to announce our collaboration with Airport Services Association (ASA) to supply their members with training solutions that support safe and efficient ground handling operations.
The aviation industry faces a challenge to deliver ground handling related training by using new training methods. At the same time, training should be relevant, user friendly and cost-effective. Together we can distribute sustainable training solutions to ASA members around the world under special membership terms.

Training for Operational Staff
Qualified employees are one of the most important assets to increase productivity and improve the quality of services. It’s a top priority to offer suitable training in all organisational levels, not only middle and top management.
Why Airport College?
We provide a complete online training service for airlines, airport ground handling agents and logistics. With our complete training service your company can efficiently and flexibly train operational staff and maintain competences required by your clients and authorities.
Please remember that our eLearning courses can be used for self-study, part of blended learning or as instructors’ support material in the classroom.
Would you like to know more?
Please don’t hesitate to contact us for more information.
Pertti pertti.mero@airportcollege.com