With spring just around the corner we are launching our 2016 Spring Competition!

It’s time to test your aviation knowledge twice a week for ten weeks up to the end of May 2016. Simply follow our weekly LinkedIn and Facebook updates, enter your answer and share it.
If you will get 80% correct answers we will issue The Airport College Certificate for Spring Quizz 2016.
We will collect correct answers and provide an iPad for the best performer in May 2016. If there is more than one top performer we will draw the winner.
The countdown to the spring and summer has begun, good luck!
Note: Our quizzes are intended to be fun and educational, and they may help increase your awareness of particular topic. They are not by themselves tools or guidance for day-to-day work.
Even though much care and precaution have been taken to create our quizzes, creators will be in no event liable for any kind of damage (Incl. computer, mental and commercial damage) caused by this competition.
AirportCollege .com Team