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AirportCollege kicks off the Zero Emission Training (ZET) initiative

The carbon footprint of air travel accounts for 4 – 9% of the total climate change impact of human activity. While airlines are increasingly committed to improving the eco-efficiency of their operations, we at AirportCollege, are doing our share to make the industry greener.

Emissions down by over 90%

According to its Environmental Policy, AirportCollege is committed to developing environmentally sustainable services for its clients. Our online courses are part of this agenda and allow our clients to cut down training-related emissions by over 90%.

Tools for decision-making

We have launched a study to understand the environmental impact of training and how digital solutions can help us, and our clients reduce the carbon footprint in training development and implementation. The study aims to develop concrete tools for analysis and decision-making – so that we can map the carbon footprint of our actions and compensate training-based emissions.

Contribution for a cleaner environment and less CO2

By improving general awareness of environmental sustainability matters in corporate education it’s possible to make a significant global contribution for a cleaner environment. More updates about the ZET initiative will follow later this year.

eLearning produces great results

We can help you achieve your goals and at the same time help the environment, your people – and save money and time.

If you would like to know more about us and our solutions, please send your request by e-mail directly to me.


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