We have met several clients and discussed the importance of training and what the role of online training is in their business. Many great ideas for future digital learning methods were tossed around and some of them are actually already here and in use.
During the meetings and coffee break discussions we collected valuable feedback for our course development and learned what the value of online training is for our clients.
In this blog I summarise some of the key findings and will share the rest of them in coming weeks.

Some key findings from our discussions
Many important topics were discussed with our clients and colleagues. The following themes arose repeatedly from these discussions. I’ll summarise the most important topics, which were:
Training courses must comply with the training requirements of international aviation authorities, such as the IATA and ICAO.
It takes a lot of time and effort to create relevant course content and keep it updated.
The pedagogical approach must be selected carefully to be suitable into an online environments and training target groups.
Online courses must be suitable for self-study, fit well as part of blended learning, and support instructor if the material is used in the classroom.
Course content should be customizable to fit local and clients’ needs.
What is our promise for the future?
We work hard with the leading experts in the aviation industry to ensure that training content is relevant and always up-to-date.
We make every effort we can that our eLearning courses can be used for self-study, as part of blended learning or as instructors’ support material in the classroom. Course content can be customised to fit any company needs.
Do you want to know more?
If you would like to know more about our services and how we will support clients please send your request by email directly to me.
With best regards, Pertti pertti.mero@airportcollege.com