The customers’ first impression is most important especially when working in the service sector as “You will never get a second change to make the first impression”, like Head & Shoulders commercial slogan for shampoo stated some years ago.
We believe that the art of good customer service and etiquette can be adhered to when you know your basics and truly care about your customer. That’s why we have added an entire section of customer service to our updated version of the Passenger Handling eLearning course.

Thousands of Passenger Handling personnel take our online courses every year.
Based on industry standards
The Passenger Handling online eLearning course content is in line with IATA’s AHM and IGOM:
IATA – Airport Handling Manual (AHM), Edition 40, Chapter 1 -Passenger Handling
AHM 1110, Ground Operations Training Program
IATA – Ground Operations Manual (IGOM), Edition 9, Chapter 1 & 2
With our training service you can efficiently and flexibly train passenger handling staff, and maintain competences required by airlines and authorities.
Around the world
Our online courses are used in more than 140 countries around the world. Airport College International is proud to offer online eLearning courses in several languages to support your company training needs.
We are actively looking for new clients and would like to provide you with our online training services.
Would you like to know more?
Please let us know if you want to know more about course content and prices.
With best regards,
Moving Forward. Working together.