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Midsummer in Finland

Ari Ketola

During the Finnish midsummer celebrations, bonfires are very common and are burned at lakesides and by the sea. Often branches from birch trees are placed on both side of the front door to welcome visitors. Swedish-speaking Finns often celebrate the midsummer with maypole.

Midsummer bonfire in Finland.

Midnight Sun is Good for Health

An important feature of midsummer in Finland is the white night and the midnight sun. Because of Finland’s location spanning around the Arctic Circle, the nights near the midsummer day are short or non-existent. This gives a great contrast to the darkness of the winter time.

Some studies claims that the sun may lower your blood pressure. It’s thought that the UV rays triggered the release of a compound called nitric oxide from the skin, which relaxes blood vessels, causing blood pressure to fall. So midnight sun is good for our health too.

Ritual Include Cookouts, Sauna and Spending Time Together

Many Finns leave the cities for midsummer and spend time in the countryside. Nowadays many spend a few days there, and some Finns take their whole vacation in a lakeside cottage.

Rituals include cookouts, sauna and spending time together. This is how Finns recharge their batteries for the long winter period.

eLearning Service for Aviation Made in Finland

Finland is famous for having the world's best education system, which is one of the cornerstones of the Finnish welfare society. Airport College International Ltd. is a Finnish education provider representing the best of Finland to our clients globally.

We strongly believe that we can bring new perspectives to our clients’ training from what we have learned in Finland and developed in collaboration with our clients globally.

Education Finland logo and Design From Finland badge.

Design from Finland Recognition

The recognition was awarded to Airport College International Ltd. in April 2022 by the Design from Finland Committee. This highly valued recognition is awarded to carefully selected companies that have designed their service, and have a corporate headquarters (HQ), in Finland.

We Are an Official Member of Education Finland

Airport College International is an official member of Education Finland, a national export programme offering Finnish educational know-how and learning solutions globally. The programme is funded by the Ministry of Education and Culture and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment. Airport College International Ltd. has been an official member of Education Finland since 2015.

Do you want to know more?

Please don’t hesitate to contact us for further information.

We will close our office for a few days to enjoy short nights.

For those who are able to have days off from regular work I wish you a wonderful and relaxing time!

Best regards,


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