Helsinki, Finland – Airport College International is excited to announce that our online training services for Airlines, Airport Ground Handling and Logistics are now available in The Brunei Darussalam-Indonesia-Malaysia-Philippines East ASEAN Growth Area (BIMP-EAGA).
Global air traffic is expected to double in the next 20 years, creating millions of new jobs. The aviation industry faces a huge challenge to deliver training for new workforce. The industry needs to attract new talents by providing new training methods and forward-looking career paths. At the same time, the training should be relevant, user-friendly and cost-effective.
“Aviation sector in Southeast Asia is one of the world’s fastest-growing providing a significant number of new jobs positions in the region. Together with our partner PTC MIL-COM Aviation Training Center Inc. we can provide high quality and efficient training solutions”, says Airport College International CEO Pertti Mero.
“The increasing training needs and global competition creates demand for more cost-efficient training solutions. By bringing online training to our portfolio we can help our existing and new clients to train their staff even better”, says PTC MIL-COM Aviation Training Center Director Rodolfo Dino Santos.
About Airport College International is a complete online training service for airlines, airport ground handling agents and logistics. With the training service our clients can efficiently and flexibly train their staff and maintain competences required by authorities. Airport College International is a strategic partner of IATA.
About PTC MIL-COM Aviation Training Center
PTC MIL-COM Aviation Training Center Inc. is specializing in human resource development thru training, education, and career development. PTC MIL-COM provides high quality aviation training for cabin crew, aircraft maintenance, flight dispatch and ground handling to corporate customers and individuals.
Learn more about PTC MIL-COM at Media Desk +358-50-392 7447, media(at)