Several authors present their list of the top strategic technology trends that will impact world and organizations in 2018.
“The continuing digital business evolution exploits new digital models to align more closely the physical and digital worlds for employees, partners and customers,” Gartner
“The technologies you should absolutely consider,” PwC
“Today, digital reality, cognitive and blockchain are defining IT, business and society in general, “ Deloitte

They all define technology trends which are just beginning to break out of an emerging state and stand to have substantial disruptive potential across Industries.
We wanted to share these visions and highly encourage you to spend few moments to read the material we have picked for you.
Deloitte – Top Tech Trends 2018
Gartner – Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends for 2018
PwC – The eight technologies you should absolutely consider
Do you want to know how we at Airport College International will follow these global trends?
Please send me an email for more information.
With best regards, Pertti