We believe that the coronavirus COVID-19 is the accelerator for one of the greatest workplace transformations of our lifetime. The way we work, communicate, train our staff and interact with clients will be changed forever!
What Does This Change Mean in Practice?
We have closely studied megatrends and analysed what the new normal will look like after COVID-19 and fine tuned our online solutions to promote the modern HR organisations and the new ways of workplace learning.
Everything in business will be digital. The world is undergoing radical change, we have all have learned to use digital tools in our daily work during the crises and noticed that information can be created, distributed, and assimilated around the world in a relatively short period of time.
Training Makes No Exception
The recruitment of new employees is one of the biggest challenges the aviation industry faces in the future. How to find new employees, to take them onboard and train them according to international standards will challenge every organisation. In the coming years’ time the global workforce will be mainly millennials and you need to understand their needs, values and the tools they expect.
You must offer flexible training solutions and perhaps provide part of the training as online before you even make the final recruitment decision? This will allow you to understand what kind of competencies and abilities the candidate has for the job. It will also shortens the entire recruitment process. Professionally built online eLearning Training Courses are part of the digital solutions portfolio you need.
We Are Here to Help You
We can help your company find optimal training solutions for modern work life at a reasonable cost. We at Airport College are actively looking for new clients and would like to provide you with our solutions for tackling these industry-wide challenges.
Please drop me an email to discuss more.
Best regards, Pertti pertti.mero@airportcollege.com