Today anyone who works in the airport operations or logistics must be trained according to their job function. With our complete training service our clients can efficiently and flexibly train their staff and maintain competences required by clients and authorities.
We offer online courses, automated certificate issuance and complete training records. If you like, our courses can also be used as part of traditional classroom training where qualified instructor run the courses.
Our training content complies with the international training requirements established by governing bodies, such as the ICAO and IATA.
I think you’ll find…
We have issued over 30.000 course certificates globally. Today we offer different language versions including English, Korean, Japanese, Chinese, Swedish and Finnish.
With more than 15 locations around the world, Airport College International is proud to offer online e-Learning courses when you want your organisation to learn. We have developed a comprehensive set of online courses together with our airline and ground handling clients and I think you’ll find something interesting from our offering.
We also provide Airport Ground Handling Certificate Programs for companies and people who want to develop their airport ground handling skills. The new program prepares people to handle their jobs better and improves their career prospects.
Browse the Airport College International courses ( and check our latest courses. If you don’t find courses you are looking for we can also tailormade courses according to your needs.
Do you want to know more?
Please send me an email to get more information.
With best regards, Pertti