Millions of employees are frequently trained according to international and company regulations. When well-designed e-learning on-line products are used the training related saving potential is huge, up to 80% as stated in my Blog September 2013. When employees are well-trained the motivation level is higher and people simply do things better, which will have positive impact to productivity.
Example is based on an airline training where 1600 members of cabin staff were trained to use a new reporting system. Calculation does not include travel and lodging expenses related to classroom training.
We at believe that training will lead to better performance, safety and productivity. There are number of ready to use e-learning products available to cover security, safety and service related training needs with standardized and authority approved content. If you don’t use e-learning yet, you can start to improve your company’s productivity today.
If you would like to know more about us and how we can help you to reduce training costs and increase productivity with our services, please check or send your request by e-mail directly to me.