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December 2015 Competition Winners

The 5 lucky winners of our LinkedIn and Facebok competition are Minna Jääskivi, Nanna Ketola, Pasi Nopanen, Stephan Ribouleau and Veli Liimatta. Congratulations to all our winners!

Here’s few comments we’ve received from the lucky and knowledgeable people:

“Although I’ve been travelling years and visited frequently many airports, some of your questions were challenging but nice” says Minna Jääskivi, Cabin Attendant, Helsinki.

“I enjoyed the challenge very much, especially those pictures where you gave some hints (text, local language or other things), so I was able to search more information” says Nanna Ketola, Designer, Rovaniemi.

“What was the one airport in US, I couldn’t recognise that? Anyway great competition, thank you all” says Pasi Nopanen, Airline Senior Manager, Abu Dhabi.

We will send the prizes to the winners next week.

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