Helsinki, Finland – Airport College International is proud to announce that is has become a Strategic Partner with International Air Transport Association, IATA.
Airport College International believes that the new strategic partnership will help the company to build and strengthen relationships with key stakeholders of the industry.
“As IATA’s Strategic Partner we gain unique insight into airlines’ priorities and will be recognized as a trusted IATA partner which serves the air transport industry” says Airport College International CEO Pertti Mero.
About Airport College International
Airport College International provides a complete on-line training service for aviation and logistics industries. We offer a full range of web-based training courses in safety, security and service topics. Our self-study modules comply with the regulations of international and national legislations and those established by governing bodies, such as the ICAO and IATA.
About International Air Transport Association, IATA
IATA’s mission is to represent, lead, and serve the airline industry. The trade association for the world’s passenger and cargo airlines, representing some 250 airlines or 84% of total air traffic.
IATA Strategic Partners are suppliers and service providers of the air transport industry who, as members of IATA Strategic Partnerships, interact with IATA and Member airlines in the development of industry solutions.
The Strategic Partnerships Program is a platform for aviation solution providers to build as well as strengthen relationships with key industry stakeholders. Through their participation in various IATA work groups, Strategic Partners gain a unique insight into airlines’ priorities and have the opportunity to be recognized for working together with IATA in serving the air transport industry.
Learn more about IATA at For more information on IATA Partners and Strategic Partnerships, visit
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