PRESS RELEASE – – for immediate release April 14th 2020
Helsinki, Finland – Airport College International is pleased to announce that a new online eLearning course about coping with the Coronavirus (COVID-19) is available and studied around the world.
The spreading of the Coronavirus has significant implications for airlines and ground handling agents. Airport College International wants to support colleagues around the world during these challenging times and has provided this course FREE for Airlines and Ground Handling Agents.
“After releasing our free Coronavirus online course, Airlines and Ground Handling agents have taken this resource very quickly into full usage. In the first 4 days the course has already been studied in 44 countries“, says Airport College International COO Ari Ketola.
“We want to encourage everyone in the aviation business to use this course. Please feel free to share information about the course to help the aviation industry tackle the virus together“, says Airport College International CEO Pertti Mero.
Moving Forward. Working together. Staying Strong.
Get your access to the free Coronavirus eLearning course now!
About Airport College International
Airport College International provides a complete online training service for airlines, airport ground handling agents and logistics in safety, security and service topics. With this training service our clients can efficiently and flexibly train their staff and maintain competences required by airlines and authorities. Airport College International is a strategic partner of IATA.
Further information Media Desk +358-50-392 7447, media(at) News: